Bus Timetable
All times stated are approximate and are subject to change. If you need more information please contact the school office.
Route 2089 Te Uku - Raglan A.M.
8:10amTo Te Uku School
7:30am |
Depart 685 Ohautira Road |
7:50am |
Right onto SH23 to Te Uku |
8:30am |
To Raglan Area School |
8:40am |
Arrive at Te Uku School |
Route 2089 Te Uku - Raglan P.M.
2:30pm |
Depart 685 Ohautira Road |
2:45pm |
Arrive at Te Uku School |
2:50pm |
Depart Te Uku School |
3:00pm |
To Raglan Area School |
3:15pm |
To Te Uku School |
3:35pm |
Arrive at Te Uku School |
Route 2089 Te Uku - Raglan P.M.
2.30pm |
Depart 685 Ohautira Road |
Right onto Ohautira Road |
Right onto SH23 |
2.45pm |
Arrive at Te Uku School |
2.50pm |
Depart Te Uku School |
Right into State Highway 23 |
Drop off at Nau Mai Business Park |
Left into Norrie Avenue |
Drop off at the Water Tower |
3.00pm |
To Raglan Area School drop off Te Uku students and pick up Raglan Area school students |
Return onto Norrie Ave |
Right onto Main Rd/ State Highway 23 |
Left into Okete Rd |
Left into State Highway 23 |
3.15pm |
To Te Uku School |
Depart Te uku School, left into State Highway 23 |
Left onto Ohautira Rd |
Left onto Ruakiwi Rd |
3.35pm |
To gravel pit bus drop off on the right |
Bus Fees & Payment Policy
Bus rides will be charged at $20.00 per week, increasing to $24.00 from 1 January 2025, charged to the students school account each term.
Students with outstanding bus payments; if bus fees remain unpaid the students concerned will not be permitted to use the school bus until the fees are paid. We keep a list of those children eligible to use the bus. Please enquire at the Office if you would like to pay by Automatic Payment.
Please inform the Office before 2:30PM of any changes to bus arrangements for your child/ren for that day.
IMPORTANT Information re Children Travelling by Bus
Teachers on Bus Duty work strictly to the Bus Lists each day. The Bus Lists show the ‘permanent’ arrangement families have in place for their child/ren. If you want to make a change to your ‘permanent’ arrangement, please ring the Office to formalise the change. If you pick your child/ren up early, please report in at the Office so that we are not looking for your child/ren at bus time.
You can make a change to a ‘permanent’ arrangement on any day as long as you contact the Office before 2:30PM of that day. In the event of a change being made on any given day, Kellie will write a note on the Bus List so that the teacher on duty is made aware of that change. Please note that unless we hear from you, we will always follow the ‘permanent’ arrangement that has been put in place. Children are not authorised to make changes to their bus arrangements
Bus Behaviour Code of Conduct
Loading onto the bus
Wait at the designated place – well back from the road
Wait until the bus has stopped
Walk in single file – younger students go first
Be patient – no pushing
Carry your backpack (if worn it can catch in the door)
Find a seat and sit down straight away – juniors at the front, middle school in the middle, seniors towards the back
Put your bag and anything else you are carrying on your lap or under the seat in front of you
Behaviour on the bus
Once seated, remain seated
Seated passengers put bag under seat or on knee
Keep behind the driver at all times
Keep voices low so the driver can concentrate
Keep still so the driver is not distracted
No eating or drinking on the bus
Keep inside of the bus clean and damage free
No shouting or gesturing out of the windows
Leaving the bus
Get out the front door of the bus unless it is not practical to do so
Carry your backpack (if worn, it can catch in the door)
Step down carefully – no pushing
Wait on the grass verge well back from the road until the bus has gone and you can see clearly
Always use the kerb drill before crossing
Cross the road where you have been told to cross
Role of the Senior Bus Seater
Assist with the lining up of students
First on the bus to assist with seating of students
Bus Seaters will give one reminder to any students ‘breaking’ the Bus Code of Conduct; if the student does not comply, the Bus Seater will be refer them to the Deputy Principal or Principal immediately
If a student repeatedly breaks the Bus Code of Conduct, this student may have access to the bus removed for a period of time (in the event of this happening, the school will contact the parents concerned)
Procedure for Safe Travelling on the School Bus
To ensure that all students travelling on a bus to and from Te Uku School feel safe, secure and happy, Go Bus, Te Uku School and Parents will take responsibility for the following:
- Bus drivers have an appropriate license to drive school bus.
- Bus drivers are instructed not to leave their bus unattended with children aboard at any time.
- Common sense prevails should any unfortunate incidents occur. Under the MOE contract Go Bus must advise the Police and relevant service agent if an accident occurs.
- In the event of a breakdown and with a few adjustments to other runs Go Bus can generally make other buses available if needed and can generally be contacted at bus times. Go Bus will ring the school if the bus service is disrupted.
- Loading capacity information is displayed in the bottom left corner of the windscreen of each bus. Generally, the bus supplied for the transport of children to and from Raglan, has a capacity of 67 i.e. 3 to a seat and a maximum of 14 children standing at any one time.
- Bus Rules are publicised in Information Folder, on school website and from time to time in the school newsletter. The rules are based on MoE guidelines and expectations of both Go Bus and Te Uku School.
- Bus Lists are organised for each afternoon. Teacher on Duty will be provided with information if parents have made a special request for their child/ren that day.
- Office Administrator will endeavour to check phone messages for any last minute changes left by parents. Parents are encouraged to phone the Office with changes before 2.30PM.
- Teacher in Charge of buses will organise Bus Monitors for each bus run; the students will be trained on how to fulfil their role. It is not expected that the monitors will completely and solely manage the behaviour on the bus; instead they will remind anyone behaving inappropriately to correct their behaviour and if this is not successful the monitor will inform the Bus Controller Teacher or Principal, who will follow up.
- Follow-up action could include any of the following: students interviewed, problem identified and resolved; bus rules issued to student; family informed; bus contract put in place.
- Bus Duty Teachers will be fulltime staff and only, if required, a Relief Teacher.
- Bus Duty Teacher is responsible for checking all bus users off on the Bus List and clipping their ticket, before they can board the bus.
- Bus Duty Teacher will escort each line of students to the front gate.
- Teacher in Charge of buses and the Principal will inform students of the procedures to follow in the event of missing their bus stop: Inform the Bus Monitor or another student on the bus; this student to inform driver; driver to decide on best action to take at that time to ensure the child concerned continues to feel safe and secure.
- Set up a Buddy System for new children and for children if their family requests this option.
- The school will notify families in the event of the bus service being disrupted.
- Families will buy bus tickets for their child/ren as needed. These tickets are available upon request from the School Office only. It is parent/caregivers responsibility to ensure that their child/ren have a current bus ticket with them for all travel.
- In the first instance, the School will send out reminders for outstanding bus payments; if bus fees remain unpaid the students concerned will not be permitted to use the school bus until the fees are paid.
- Families will discuss the bus rules (refer to Bus Behaviour Code of Conduct in Information Book) with their children.
- Families will be clear with their instructions to their children and the school where they need to get off the bus each day and/or for a change to the usual routine.
- Families will be clear with their instructions to their children what they can do in the event of the bus running late in the morning.
- Each family will discuss the following plan for their child to follow in the event of missing their bus stop: Child to inform the Bus Monitor, bus driver or a senior student on the bus that they have missed their stop; Bus Monitor or senior student will inform the driver that the child has missed their stop. The Bus Driver will then take the appropriate action for that child to get home safely.
- Parents / Caregivers to ring the school if their child has not got off the bus where expected. On receiving a phone call, the school will:
- Check if the child was checked off on a Bus List by the Duty Teacher
- Inform the Teacher in Charge of buses and/or Principal of the situation
- Negotiate with the parent concerned what they will do next and what the school will do next to find the child (this will include discussion about what the child might have done, eg, gone to a friend’s place, not told anyone they had missed their bus stop).
- School will ensure it has the contact phone number of the parent concerned
- School will ring Go Bus to inform them of the situation
- School will ring families of children who used the same bus to see if they know where the child might have got off the bus
- School will maintain contact with the family until the child is found.